Zombie Pumpkins

Carving a Jack O’Lantern is one of my favorite Halloween traditions. Not just because it’s fun to do but because of how much creativity it allows for. There is so much we can do with a thing as simple as a pumpkin.

Casting about online I picked out a few of my favorite zombie pumpkins!


This is a fun simple pumpkin that says, evil a bit more than it says zombie. The face is a bit too small for the head but what I love is the use of the seeds and especially the worms. Candy worms are a great way to spice up any halloween pumpkin.

Here again I love the use of the seeds from inside the pumpkin. What this gruesome ghoul has going for it is a great carving, (that couldn’t have been easy) and the use of the clever still stuck in the yea dog the ghoul. Like the worms it breaks away from being just  a pumpkin to being more sculptural.

This “Day of the Dead” style pumpkin rocks for breaking with the tradition of simply carving a face and gives us  a powerful image of the zombie horde lurching its way towards us. 

Giant zombie pumpkin sculpture by Ray Villafane.

I don’t know if it’s possible to top this bad ass sculptural adventure. I’ve posted a link to more photos of this amazing carving above and can’t say how incredibly impressed I am with it. It mixes the use of broken pumpkins, great carving, and gross out effects with incredible creativity and artistry. There are very few of us who are ever going to go this far with our pumpkins.

Mikes Pumpkin

And finally this last entry is my own creation. This pumpkin zombie with a fork in his eye is my pumpkin from this year. I wasn’t able to get a great shot of it lit up but I’ve used an egg for one eye, great to break and watch oooooozing down. I had fun with the fork and the seeds in the mouth though they went nasty pretty quick so they aren’t in this photo.

What are your favorite pumpkins? Zombie or not, let’s see what you’ve got!